Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Let's Go Red Sox!"

In two consecutive games at Nationals Stadium in Washington, DC, the Nationals have set new record attendance for their ballpark. There is just one downside...most, if not all of the fans are there to cheer for the visiting team...The Boston Red Sox.

It seems that wherever the Sox travel, they always seem to have a very strong following (maybe with the exception of Yankee Stadium). There are fans in Florida, California, Texas, and even Canada! I don't really know the mass appeal of the BoSox outside of New England. Is it just because they're a good team? Or is it deeper than that? Maybe I'm getting too philosophical. Either way, it seems like Red Sox Nation really does stretch from sea to shining sea.

Yet it seems odd that with the crowds at opposing stadiums chanting "Let's Go Red Sox!" followed by rhythmic clapping, Boston is only 19-17 on the road this season. Their home record is an MLB best 25-10 (tied with the LA Dodgers).

Maybe this streak of selling out stadiums will catch on for the Sox. 500+ games in Fenway, 2 games in DC...

Let's just hope for the sake of Red Sox Nation that it gives them home field advantage with a new twist.