Friday, May 22, 2009

Mr. Harrison Doesn't Go to Washington

The champion from every one of the four major sports in the U.S. get certain perks.  They're on the cover of Sports Illustrated, all over ESPN, and they are even honored at the White House.  But, one Steeler has decided that last item isn't all that impressive.  Pittsburgh linebacker James Harrison didn't travel with his teammates to Washington, DC to visit President Obama.

"This is how I feel — if you want to see the Pittsburgh Steelers, invite us when we don't win the Super Bowl. As far as I'm concerned, he would've invited Arizona if they had won," Harrison said.

That's kind of the point, James.  To the winner goes the spoils.  The Steelers won, so they visit the president.  I wonder if he stopped eating Wheaties too?

Harrison's move isn't any kind of political statement. He skipped the visit to the White House to meet President Bush when the Steelers took Super Bowl XL.

"Why is it a big issue now that I'm not going if it wasn't a big issue the last time?," he asked.  

I think the big deal here lies with the fact we have a new president, one that has a relationship with owner Dan Rooney.  Rooney, who is a lifelong Republican, openly supported Obama during the Pennsylvania primary, and through the general election.  So, I think the overlying issue here isn't about Harrison not showing up in DC.  The real issue is the lack of respect he has shown to one of the best owners in the NFL, and to the Office of the President of the United States.
Too bad they don't give a trophy out for that...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

John Nathans

This story was posted in today's edition of The Boston Globe. It details the recovery (or lack thereof) of former Red Sox catching prospect John Nathans. Almost two years ago, Nathans was struck in the head by a bat wielding Jose Offerman. He hasn't been the same since. This story simply breaks your heart.

A dizzying turn - The Boston Globe

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